Poviats, for which decisions are issued
Voivodship: Podkarpackie
Poviats: niżański, stalowowolski, tarnobrzeski, przemyski; cities: Tarnobrzeg and Przemyśl
Voivodship: Lubelskie
Poviats: bialski, biłgorajski, chełmski, hrubieszowski, janowski, krasnostawski, łęczyński, łukowski, opolski, kraśnicki, parczewski, radzyński, rycki, tomaszowski, włodawski, zamojski; cities: Biała Podlaska, Chełm and Zamość
Voivodship: Mazowieckie
Poviats: białobrzeski, garwoliński, grójecki, kozienicki, lipski, miński, siedlecki, zwoleński; cities: Radom and Siedlce
Voivodship: Dolnośląskie
Kobierzyce commune
Poviats, for which decisions are issued
Voivodship: Podkarpackie
Poviats: Bieszczadzki, Brzozowski, Dębicki, Jarosławski, Jasielski, Kolbuszowski, Krośnieński, Leski, Leżajski, Lubaczowski, Łańcut, Mielecki, Przeworski, Ropczycko-Sędziszowski, Rzeszowski, Sanocki, Strzyżowski; Cities: Krosno and Rzeszów
Voivodship: Lubelskie
districts: Lubartowski, Lubelski, Świdnicki; the city of Lublin
Up to 70% tax relief
The highest intensity ceiling of public aid allowable in the EU, amounting to up to 70% of the eligible costs of the investment project.
Minimum investment outlay of PLN 200 000
Possibility to obtain a decision on support from as little as PLN 200 000 of investment outlay (for micro-enterprises in selected poviats).
Compliance with the EU law
The system of tax exemptions and incentives complies with EU legislation.
Tax relief with EU funds
Possibility to combine state aid obtained in the SEZ with EU funds.
Regional aid
State aid is regional aid granted to entrepreneurs for the costs of new investments and job creation.
Cumulation of state aid sources
Amounts received by an entrepreneur under the regional state aid received from other sources are cumulative.
What tax relief can you get?
Amount of tax reliefs in special economic zones managed by ARP S.A.:
- download an application form in accordance with the template attached to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers on public aid granted to certain entrepreneurs for the implementation of new investments,
- fill in the application form and forward it to the ARP S.A. Branch in Mielec or Tarnobrzeg, depending on the selected location,
- the application will be evaluated in terms of meeting the quantitative and qualitative criteria and the planned activity. In case of doubts or lack of required documents, the Manager will ask for supplementation, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Procedure ,
- within one month from the date of submission of a complete application (in particularly complicated cases, the time may be extended to two months), the ARP S.A. will issue, on behalf of the Minister of Development, Labour and Technology, a decision on support.
The process of obtaining a decision on support is as follows:
- an application form should be completed in accordance with the template attached to the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers on public aid granted to certain entrepreneurs for the implementation of new investments.
- the application should be submitted in a paper form to the ARP S.A. Branch in Mielec or in Tarnobrzeg, depending on the selected location.
- the application will be evaluated in terms of meeting the quantitative and qualitative criteria and the planned activity. In case of doubts or lack of required documents, the Manager will ask for supplementation in accordance with the Code of Administrative Procedure.
- within one month from the date of submission of a complete application (in particularly complicated cases, the time may be extended to two months), the ARP S.A. will issue a decision on support on behalf of the Minister of Development, Labour and Technology.
- employing a certain number of workers for a defined period of time (in the case of a new investment),
- incurring eligible costs of the new investment within a specified period,
- definition of a deadline for the completion of the new investment, after which costs incurred by the Entrepreneur will not be recognised as eligible costs,
- defining the maximum amount of eligible costs, which may be taken into account when determining the maximum amount of public aid,
- inclusion of quantitative and qualitative criteria to be met by the Entrepreneur (detailed qualitative criteria for a new investment implemented in the industrial and service sector to be downloaded below)
- determination of the area on which the new investment will be realised, taking into account real estate registration data.
Period of validity of the decision:
- support for a period of 10 years is granted to new investments in regions with maximum public aid intensity of up to 25%, i.e. the Mazowieckie voivodship - Grójecki poviat - and the Dolnośląskie voivodship,
- support for a period of 12 years is granted to new investments in regions with the maximum public aid intensity of 35%, i.e. the Mazowieckie voivodship,
- Support for a period of 15 years is granted to new investments in regions with the maximum public aid intensity of 50%, i.e. Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships,
- support for a period of 15 years is granted to new investments in an area, which is located at least 51% within the boundaries of a special economic zone within the meaning of Article 2 of the Act of 20 October 1994 on special economic zones, regardless of the intensity of public aid in a given region.
- wzór wniosku o wydanie decyzji o wsparciu,
- lista kontrolna ułatwiające prawidłowe złożenie wniosku o wydanie decyzji o wsparciu,
- szczegółowe kryteria jakościowe dla nowej inwestycji realizowanej w sektorze przemysłowym i usług – zał. Do Rozporządzenia RM z dn. 28 sierpnia 2018 r.,
- formularz informacji przedstawianych przy ubieganiu się o pomoc inną niż pomoc w rolnictwie lub rybołówstwie, pomoc de minimis lub pomoc de minimis w rolnictwie lub rybołówstwie.